Results for the Devon County Show 2019 Show.

British Blonde
50British Blonde - Bull, born on or after 1st January 2018.
53British Blonde - Heifer, maiden, in-calf, or with own calf at foot born between 16th May 2016 and 31st December 2017. (Incorporating the judging of Special C20.)
54British Blonde - Heifer, maiden, born on or after 1st January 2018. (Incorporating the judging of Special C21.)
C59Best Bull Born on or after 1st January 2018.
C60Champion Male
C62Best exhibit in Class 53.
C63Best Exhibit in Class 54.
C64Champion Female
C65Best Group of Three Cattle, one of the opposite sex, owned by one exhibitor
C66Best Exhibit Bred by the Exhibitor who is Resident in Devon
C67Breed Champion
C67AChampion Pair (Qualifier) Judge to select the Breed Champion and an animal of the opposite sex to qualify for C111.
British Blonde

Judge: .
NatWest Livestock Arena - Thursday 16th May from 8.30 am