Results for the Devon County Show 2019 Show.

125Jersey - Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2018.
126Jersey - Heifer, maiden, born on or between 1st October 2017 and the 31st March 2018.
127Jersey - Heifer, in-Calf, not to be more than 30 months of age at the time of calving.
128Jersey - Cow, dry and at least five months in calf, any age.
129Jersey - Heifer, in-Milk, which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months. (Incorporating the judging of Special Prize C147).
130Jersey - Cow, in-milk - 2nd or 3rd lactation.
C154Best Heifer In-Milk Bred by the Exhibitor
C155Best Group of three Cattle Owned by One Exhibitor.
C156Best Cow In-Milk or In-Calf, Any Age which has produced a total lifetime yield of 22,750 kgs milk in officially recorded lactation periods.
C157Best Exhibit Bred by the Exhibitor who is Resident in Devon
C158Best Cow or Heifer, Registered in the Herd Book and Bred by the Exhibitor who is a Member of the Jersey Cattle Society
C159Breed and Female Champion

Judge: .
NatWest Livestock Arena - Friday 17th May at 8.30 am

All cattle must be registered with the Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom.