Results for the Devon County Show 2019 Show.

Skewbalds & Piebalds - Ridden
767Ridden Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS, Four years old and over, of traditional or native types, not exceeding 153cms.
768Ridden Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS, Four years old and over, not exceeding 153cms (Plaited).
769Ridden Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS, Four years old or over, exceeding 153cms, to be ridden.
H70Champion Ridden Piebald & Skewbald
H71RIHS Comm Rosettes
Skewbalds & Piebalds - Ridden - Friday 17 May

This Section is kindly sponsored by

Judges: Mr M Lawrence, Bristol, Somerset. (Ride)
Ms A Devane, Newbury, Berkshire. (Conformation)

These Classes are affiliated to the British Skewbald and Piebald Association and are qualifiers for the Royal International Horse Show, Hickstead 2019. These classes are also qualifiers for the World Championships of Colour National Championship Show 2019.