Results for the Devon County Show 2019 Show.

Anglo & Part Bred Arabs - Ridden
737Ridden Anglo or Part Bred Arab Mare, Stallion or Gelding, Four years old and over, not exceeding 148cms. Not to be ridden by the judge.
738Ridden Anglo Arab or Part Bred Arab Mare, Stallion or Gelding, Four years old and over, exceeding 148cms. To be ridden.
H43Champion Ridden Anglo Arab or Part Bred Arab
Ridden Anglo & Part Bred Arabs - Thursday 16 May

Judges: Miss M Pook, East Grinstead, West Sussex. (Ride)
Mr P Upton, Clun, Shropshire. (Conformation)

Exhibits entered in these classes must be registered in the AHS Stud Book/Register. Part-Bred Arabs with 12.5% Arab blood or more are eligible to be shown. Anglo Arabs carry the blood of Arab & Thoroughbred only and in any proportion.