Results for the Devon County Show 2019 Show.

Connemara Ponies - Ridden
784Connemara - Mare, Stallion or Gelding, Four years old and over to be Ridden.
H90Special BCPS Rosette
Connemara Ponies - Ridden - Friday 17 May

Judge: Mr M R Jones, Cwmbran, Gwent.

Ponies must be registered in the appropriate section of the British Connemara Pony Society (BCPS) Stud Book or a stud book of another approved Connemara Pony Society. Ponies must not exceed 148cms at any age.

Colts or Stallions three years old or over must be registered as Stallions in the BCPS Stud Book or the Stud Book of a recognised Connemara Pony Society. Mare & Geldings four years old & over must be registered as an adult pony in the BCPS Stud Book or the Stud Book of a recognised Connemara Pony Society. Animals must be registered as Class 1 or Class 2.