Results for the Devon County Show 2021 Show.

114Holstein Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2020.
116Holstein Heifer, in calf with first calf, not more than 30 months of age on the day of the Show and due to calve at no more than 36 months.
117Holstein Heifer in-milk, having calved under 25 months of age.
118Holstein Heifer in-milk, having calved at over 25 months and under 36 months.
120Holstein Cow, in-milk, second lactation.
121Holstein Cow, in-milk third lactation
122Holstein Cow, in-milk fourth lactation or over
123Holstein Group of Three Females
C155Best Exhibitor bred in-milk Heifer owned and exhibited by a Member of Holstein UK, residing in Devon, Cornwall, Somerset or Dorset.
C156Best Group of Three Cattle, owned by one Exhibitor.
C157Exhibit with the Best Udder
C158Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon.
C159Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor
C160Best Exhibit from Classes
C161Breed and Female Champion

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