Results for the Devon County Show 2022 Show.

Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed
100Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2021.
101Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, maiden, born on or between 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2021.
102Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, in-calf and due to calve under 36 months of age.
104Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, in-milk, having calved under 36 months of age.
105Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Cow, any age, in-milk.
C145Best Group of Three Cattle Owned by One Exhibitor
C146Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon
C148Champion Animal


Please state breed on the entry form.