Results for the Devon County Show 2022 Show.

Wool On The Hoof
361Woolled Exhibit of Any Other British Rare Breed
362Woolled Exhibit of Any Other British Primitive Breeds
363Woolled Exhibit of Any Other Pure Breed Classes
364Woolled Exhibit of the Beltex Breed
365Woolled Exhibit of Blue Texel Breed
366Woolled Exhibit of the Border Leicester Breed
369Woolled Exhibit of the Devon Closewool Breed
370Woolled Exhibit of the Dorset Down Breed
371Woolled Exhibit of the Dorset Horn and Polled Dorset Breed
372Woolled Exhibit of the Exmoor Horn Breed
373Woolled Exhibit of the Hampshire Down Breed
374Woolled Exhibit of the Jacob Breed
375Woolled Exhibit of the Lleyn Breed
376Woolled Exhibit of the North Country Cheviot Breed
377Woolled Exhibit of the Roussin Breed
378Woolled Exhibit of the Ryeland Breed
379Woolled Exhibit of the Ryeland (Coloured) Breed
380Woolled Exhibit of the Shetland
381Woolled Exhibit of the Southdown Breed
384Woolled Exhibit of the Zwartbles Breed
S147Champion Shortwool
385Woolled Exhibit of the Any Other British Rare Breed
388Woolled Exhibit of the Blue Faced Leicester Breed
389Woolled Exhibit of the Devon and Cornwall Longwool Breed
390Woolled Exhibit of the Greyface Dartmoor Breed
392Woolled Exhibit of the Valais Blacknose Breed
393Woolled Exhibit of the White Face Dartmoor Breed
S149Champion Longwool
S150Overall Wool on the Hoof Champion


Members £4.00 Non Members £7.00
Entries 1-2 1st - £12,
3-9 1st - £12, 2nd - £9
10 or more 1st - £12, 2nd £9 & 3rd - £7

Exhibitors please note: Shortwool on the Hoof Classes will not be judged in schedule order, but in the order the breeds are penned in the marquees. More information will be available once the pen layout is finalised.