Results for the Devon County Show 2023 Show.

MW1NBCC QUALIFYING: STATIC ENTRIES Any article produced using blacksmithing methods traditional or modern in the competitor's workshop. Appropriate finishes provided by external contractors such as galvanising, zinc spray or powder coating are also permi
MW4OUTDOOR ITEMS FUNCTIONAL OR FOR DISPLAY Any article produced using any blacksmithing methods traditional or modern in the competitor's workshop. Appropriate finishes provided by external contractors such as galvanising, zinc spray or powder coating.
MW5INDUSTRIAL ITEMS Any article produced using any blacksmithing methods traditional or modern in the competitor's workshop.
Patron: His Majesty The King
President: The Hon. John Rous DL

Honorary Show Director: Mr Stewart Stevens
DCAA Secretary: Mr Chris Skelton
Acting Devon County Show Manager: Mrs Lisa Moore
Features Co-Ordinator: Mrs Karen Watkins
Devon County Show, Westpoint,
Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ
Telephone: 01392 353709


This Section is Kindly Sponsored by

Fuel Kindly Sponsored By
Way Fuels

Judge: TBC

Entry Fees:

Entry fees for each entry in all classes will be £5.00
(Over three entries the rest will be free to individual competitors).
*Please refer to regulation 4 for further information

Classes 1 - 5 1st £50 2nd £30 3rd £20
Classes 6 Item selected £50 each show day

In addition the judges may award up to 6 "Highly Commended" certificates spread over Classes 1 - 5.
Entries Close: Wednesday 17th May 2023


Conditions Governing the Blacksmiths of the Year Competitions

1. The awards will be given annually.

2. Only Shows authorised by the Committee are permitted to hold qualifying heats. At present the following shows are authorised:

Devon County Show Edenbridge & Oxsted
North Somerset Three Counties
New Forest and Hampshire Royal Welsh Show
Dorset County Show Royal Cornwall Show
Newbury Show

3. Shows taking part in the qualifying heats must select at least one Judge from the current official list of accredited Judges issued by the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths. That Judge will act as the final arbiter of the winners of the qualifying heats for both awards.

4. The marking system and cards issued by the NBCC in conjunction with the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths must be used by all Judges when assessing competition entries.

5. Points will be awarded at each of the authorised shows as follows:
Winner of Championship 10 points
Runner up (Reserve Champion) 4 points

Competitors may enter more than one piece at a show, but all the entries must be judged and marked individually. Marks for several entries cannot be averaged or aggregated.

6. The Blacksmith resident in the UK gaining most points in the static competitions will be declared "Champion Blacksmith of the Year". The blacksmith gaining the most points throughout the year in the live forging competitions will be declared "Champion Live Blacksmith".

7. Competitors may enter pieces for more than one show, and it is not necessary for the same piece to be entered for each show, but entries must not have won an NBCC award in previous years.

8. In the event of a tie, after all the qualifying shows have taken place, the Blacksmith gaining the highest number of first prizes at the approved Shows will be declared the winner.

9. The Champion Live Blacksmith of the Year (static and live) will be awarded a challenge trophy, which they hold for one year and a plaque. WCB will make equal payments to both Static and Live competition champions and equal payments to static and live runner ups.

The Champion Blacksmith of the Year and the Champion Best Blacksmith of the Year will be presented at the Awards Lunch of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths.

The Trophy for the Blacksmith of the Year must be returned to the Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths by 1 October of the year following the one in which the awards are made.

10. Organisers of the authorised Shows must return the official form provided by the NBCC giving the names and addresses of the winner and the runner up of the competition as soon as possible after the Shows to:
The Secretary of the NBCC, Mr Keith Mahoney, 43 The Pound, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN12 2HF

Photographs of the winning piece in these competitions and of the piece made by the runner up should be sent to the secretary of the NBCC with the forms or as soon as possible after the event.

The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths wishes to encourage the work of Smiths. They are prepared - as a separate activity from the Competition - to judge work submitted by Smiths at the Show for assessment for one of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmith's Awards.

Thus the Smiths can, not only enter for a prize, but could gain an award which is a professional qualification regardless of the outcome of the Competition. The work must be judged by a Member of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths' official panel. The judge at the Devon County Show is always chosen from the list.

Further details of this scheme can be obtained from:

Mr Martin Heath, Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, 9 Little Trinity Lane, London EX4V 2AD

Special Prizes

MW1 Special Prize.

The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths offers a Perpetual Silver Cup to be presented to the competitor who has produced the best exhibit in Classes 1 - 4. In addition the Company will award a plaque and a certificate to the winner and a plaque to the runner up. The award will not be made unless there are at least three competitor in each category. The winning item should not have been the winner of a Company Show Prize in the previous calendar year. (Ref: 243)

MW2 Special Prize.

A Perpetual Silver Cup Trophy from the BMASW will be awarded to the Class 6 Live Blacksmith Competition winner. (Ref 266)


1. The Competition is open to any person resident and working in the UK.

2. The finish of the article is every case is at the option of the competitor.

3. The marking system and cards issued by the NBCC in conjunction with the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths must be used by all judges when assessing items submitted for the qualifying heats of the National Competition.

4. Where a minimum of two entries from a single competitor are received in Classes 1- 6 inclusive a one day pass to the Show will be issued. Where a minimum of three entries from a single competitor are received in Classes 1- 6 inclusive two one day passes to the Show will be issued.

5. In addition to the monetary prizes the Judges at their discretion may award up to an additional six "Very Highly Commended" awards over classes 1 - 6.

6. All entries must be delivered by 4 pm on the day prior to the Show and be ready for staging.

7. The Stewards are responsible for the layout of the competition pieces and their decision as to placement will be final. Entries requiring special fixings e.g. gates must have the necessary supports with them.

8. Whilst the Committee will take all reasonable precaution against damage or theft, it must be clearly understood that the exhibits are sent at the competitor's own risk.

9. Exhibits cannot be removed from the stand before 6.30 pm on the last day of the Show. Please note that vehicles are not permitted to enter the Showground before 7 pm on the last day and only via the Orange Gate and exit through the Green Gate.


11. The Judges' decision is final. Any objections should immediately lodged with the Chief Steward and a deposit of £10 made with this being refundable if the outcome of the objection is upheld. Complaints after the Show will only be considered in very exceptional circumstances, and discussed at the NBCC AGM.

12. The Devon County Show Council reserves the sole and absolute right to interpret these or any other prescribed regulations, conditions and prize lists, and to finally settle and determine all or any matters, question, difference, in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, or in connection, with the Show and to substitute judges for those announced in the prize list, or to make additional appointments as may be deemed necessary.

11. Responsibility. Neither the Devon County Show, nor any of its Officers or Servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for anything that may happen from any cause or circumstance whatever to Exhibitors or their Servants, or to any article exhibited or property brought into the Showground; or otherwise for anything else in connection with, or arising out of or attributable to, the Show, or these or any other condition or regulation prescribed by the Devon County Show in relation thereto; each Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury, or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any article exhibited by him, and shall indemnify the Devon County Show against all legal and other proceedings in regard hereto.

12. Force majeure
If an event defined hereafter as Force Majeure occurs the DCAA will not be responsible for the financial consequences or any losses or any actions claims or demands caused to or made by an exhibitor or their servants or agents caused by the failure of the Devon County Show to be held on one or more of the days but for the event of Force Majeure on which it would otherwise to be held. Force Majeure means for the purposes of this clause exceptionally inclement weather; flooding of the whole or any part of the Devon County Showground or the whole or any part of the car parks associated with it ; an act of God including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, windstorm or other natural disaster; act of any sovereign including but not limited to war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, destruction or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority or imposition of government sanction embargo or similar action; law, judgment, order, decree, embargo, blockade, labour dispute including but not limited to strike, lockout or boycott; interruption or failure of utility service including but not limited to electric power, gas, water or telephone service; failure of the transportation of any personnel equipment, machinery supply or material required by DCAA to run the Devon County Show ; breach of contract by any essential personnel; any other matter or cause beyond the control of DCAA.

13. Photographs and/or film footage will be taken at this event. These images may be used by the Devon County Agricultural Society, its subsidiaries (including but not limited to Devon County Show) and show sponsors in the following ways:

? Printed publicity
? Online publicity (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram & Twitter)
? Website use - (DCAA, its subsidiaries or sponsors)
? Any other fair use in marketing and promoting the Devon County show by ourselves and our sponsors

They will be stored securely and will not be kept for longer than they are needed for the purposes listed above. If you would prefer for you or your child not to be photographed, please speak to the photographer on the day or contact the show office. If you would like to review our privacy and usage policy or have any further questions please contact [email protected] or head to or phone 01392 353 700. Registered Charity Number: 292897.

14. All Exhibitors and other persons admitted to the Showground shall be subject to rules, the orders, regulations (including Health and Safety) of the Devon County Show and the Council of the Devon County Agricultural Association.

15. Information from entry forms will be stored on computer, information about the results may be published and/or provided to the Press for publication. The making of an entry is irrevocable consent for the storage and disclosure of information in this way.

16. The Devon County Agricultural Association (The Devon County Show) operates to a high Health and Safety standard. All Show personnel are expected to meet that standard and comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which is held in the Association's office.

Health and Safety for Features Exhibitors

Devon County Show takes pride in welcoming both exhibitors and visitors to the Show. In order that we provide a safe environment for all parties we ask that you comply with the following when on Show Site. For some Feature Sections additional rules may apply. In the event of a query please speak to your Section Stewards.

Children: Please ensure children are supervised at all times. If possible leave children at home during set up and breakdown; the show site is not a suitable play area as there are a number of moving vehicles and heavy equipment on site during these periods.

Dogs: We strongly recommend that you do not bring your dog onto site during set up or break down. Any dogs on site must be on a short non retractable lead and under your control at all times. Please do not leave your dogs in your car.

Fire: In the event of a fire please follow the instructions of the Feature's Steward who will know what action to take in the event of an emergency. Fire extinguishers are available in all marquees and these are located near to the fire exits or at a central fire point.

First Aid: Our medical centre is available on the Wednesday before the Show and this is indicated on our site maps (near the Lime Tree Café) and until midnight on the Saturday night.

General: If you see something that you think is unsafe or wrong then please report this so that we can do something about it.

Electrical Equipment: Any electrical equipment being plugged into the Show's electrical installation (paid for in advance) must be PAT tested.

Slips, Trips and Falls: Please ensure that you keep walkways clear of your belongings, cables or any other objects. Exhibits must be secure and displayed so that they will not topple over during the Show.

Smoking: Smoking of any type is not permitted in any of our buildings, marquees, or temporary structures

Vehicles: Please drive slowly and stick to the designated roadways. Your vehicle must be off site and parked in the appropriate car park by the time advised by your Section. At the end of the Show please do not move your vehicle until permission is given to do so. Quad bikes and motor bikes (other than those in displays) are not permitted on the Show Site.

Waste: Please ensure that any waste is placed into the appropriate waste skip provided.

Working at Height: If you are building a display then appropriate working at height equipment should be used (as identified in your risk assessment). Climbing on boxes, chairs or staging is not acceptable. Anyone using tower scaffolding must be suitably trained in its erection and use (PASMA).

Devon County Agricultural Association (A Company limited by Guarantee)
Registered in England and Wales No. 1927330 Registered Charity No. 292897