Results for the Devon County Show 2022 Show.

758     Local Ridden Hunter Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Town Postcode Details
313  Smith, Mrs Xanthe  TIVERTON  EX169JH  KILLINA ROSHEEN 
309  Jordan, Mrs Rebecca  CHAGFORD  TQ13 8HU  BIRD SONG 
297  White, Miss Becky  OKEHAMPTON  EX20 3PN  ROYAL RAMBO 
, mare or gelding, four year old or over. Open to owners and riders who are bona fide residents in the county of Devon. Not to have won a prize exceeding £25 as a ridden hunter at the closing date of entry. All Exhibitors must wear uniform, hunting costume or appropriate hats and coats. Failure to comply may involve elimination. Entries do not have to be registered with SHB(GB) or BSHA.