Novice Riding Horse, Mare or Gelding, Four years old and over, exceeding 148cms, that has not won a first prize of £35 or more, or more than a total of £250 (including Championship Prize Money) in any showing classes excluding Working Show Horse, Best Trained, Pairs, Side Saddle, or In-Hand classes that were affiliated to the Association, at home or abroad, prior to 1st January in the current year. If the category has changed from Hack to a Riding Horse or vice versa, it may not revert back to a Novice if it has won a first prize of £35 or more than a total of £250 (including Championship Prize Money) in any showing classes that were affiliated to the Association at home or abroad prior to 1st January in the current year. Winnings as a four year old are exempt, unless that four year old has won an Open Ridden class with a first prize of £35 or more. Snaffle bridles may be worn for Novice classes. ( entries)